The Incurious Basterds
Here’s the thing about the Ian Carrolls and the Candace Owens and the Dan Bilzerians and the Jake Shields of the world.
They pretend like they’re genuinely curious — and they hide behind it like it’s their shield — but in reality, they’re the complete opposite.
They know that anti-Jewish stuff gets the clicks, so they search for anti-Jewish stuff on the internet (stuff that's decades, if not centuries old) and share it — with or without modernized tweaks — like they just discovered something brand new.
“The Jews run the banks! Why isn’t anyone talking about this??”
“Israel’s founding involved violence! This is unprecedented!”
“This Jew committed a crime!”
Then, when people say they're wrong, or point out that their hyper-focus on Jewishness is a pattern, or add context to their contextless claims, they rush to cry victim.
“They’ll call you antisemitic, but they’ll never say you’re wrong!”
“They’re trying to silence me!”
“The Jews are mad, so we must be getting close to the truth.”
Yes, you’re antisemitic, and you’re wrong.
Notice the conspiratorial logic used that makes it impossible for them to ever be wrong.
“If people agree with me, I’m right! If people disagree with me, they’re the wrong people, so I’m right!” Foolproof...
But if they were genuinely curious, they’d do more research into opposing arguments beyond “the Jews did it.”
It’s not like it’s hard to find...
The Holocaust, for example, is one of the most widely documented events in human history. You have to try not to learn about it when you do honest research!
But they’re not curious. They’re not interested in reality. They’re not interested in nuance. They’re not interested in truth.
They’re interested in attention, and they can get attention by peddling the same old recycled antisemitic tropes that have existed for decades/centuries/millennia and presenting them like they’re some deep uncovered secret that only they are smart enough and brave enough to share with you all.
Some are more careful than others. Candace Owens will blame the Jews for everything. Ian Carroll will say “I’m not talking about all Jews” and then explain why Jews are kinda to blame for everything. Dan Bilzerian will scream about how the Jews upped the prices at Baby Gap. And Jake Shields and his last remaining brain cell will engage in his never-ending battle with the English language.
But deep down, they’re all the same: incurious attention seekers masquerading as curious researchers of truth.